Welcome back to Day 21 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Heel Touches. Instructions 1) Lying flat on the ground with knees bent and feet flat, slightly elevate your head with arms to your side. 2) Reach left hand (or right) down until it makes contact with the heel of that same side. 3) Return back to center and repeat of other side.
Welcome back to Day 20 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Medicine Ball Box Squat. Instructions 1) Hold medicine ball with two hands at chest level. 2) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with heel against the box. 3) Lower body down to box, bend knees and keep chest upright. 4) Make contact with the box and forcibly stand up into starting position. 5) Repeat 2-4. Notes: Heels stay firmly planted on ground Welcome back to Day 19 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Walking Lunges. Instructions 1) Start with your feet together and arms at your side. 2) Step forward with lead foot and drop back knee toward the ground until it is 1-3 inches off the ground. 3) Step feet together and then switch lead foot and repeat. Welcome back to Day 18 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Bunny Hops. Welcome back to Day 17 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Standing Band Front Raises. Instructions 1) Stand on top of the band with feet shoulder-width apart. 2) Hold band with hands pronated and arms straight by your side. 3) Raise your arms in front of your body until they are parallel with the ground. 4) Return arms back down to your side. Welcome back to Day 16 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Medicine Ball Slams. Instructions 1) Stand in an athletic stance with medicine ball over head. 2) Slam the ball in front of you between your feet by engaging your triceps and core. 3) Catch the rebounded ball and return ball over head. 4) Repeat slam. Welcome back to Day 15 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Partner Band Tricep Pushdown. Instructions 1) Have partner hold band above your shoulders. 2) Grasp inside of band with hands just outside of shoulder-width apart. 3) Keeping your elbows tight to your side, extend your arms down until they are straight. 4) Return to about 90 degrees and repeat downward motion. Welcome back to Day 14 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Supermans. Instructions 1) Start laying flat on your stomach with arms extended above your head. 2) Simultaneously raise your arms and legs in the air, holding at the top of 2 seconds. 3) Return arms and legs to the ground and repeat. Welcome back to Day 13 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Egg Rolls. Instructions 1) Sit upright on the ground and wrap arms around knees and lock hands together. 2) Under control, rock back, keeping knees hugged tight to chest. 3) Roll onto upper back and use the momentum to rock yourself back up. Welcome back to Day 12 of our "30 Days of Fitness" series. Every day for the month of November we will be posting an exercise that you can do with your loved one at home. Today's exercise is Kneeling Shoulder Taps. Instructions 1) Start on your hands and knees in a quadruped position 2) Use your hand to tap the opposite shoulder, while maintaining plank position. Try to keep body as still as possible and limit hip rotation. 3) Repeat with other hand |
About the AuthorRyan Lockard, CSCS*D, CSPS*D is the Founder and CEO of Specialty Athletic Training. He is accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Certified Special Populations Specialist. Lockard is a member of advisory board for the NSCA Oregon chapter and has served on numerous non-profit boards serving the disability community, including the Autism Society of America.
November 2023