No matter your fitness goals, the one movement that should be a staple in your program is the deadlift. It targets the major muscle groups in the legs (glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings), along with working your back, shoulders, forearms, and traps. Below is the most common variation that we use with our clients, the Trap Bar Deadlift. The positioning of the bar helps promote proper posture throughout the movement, which helps reduces the occurrence of lower back injuries.
Trust. The one word that can either make or break a relationship. The relationships that we have with our clients are no different. Our clients have often had a breach of trust in the past, or don't trust their own abilities. As trainers, our job is to connect with our clients in a positive way that builds trust, as well as increase their self-esteem and self-confidence. This is how we are able to continue to push our clients past their comfort zones over time.
The process of building that trust takes time and once we do gain their trust it doesn't mean that our job is finished. Nor does it mean that our clients will magically do anything that we ask. Trust is something that we continuously work at maintaining because we know that once it is broken, it can be very difficult to get it back. Last week I wrote about my my friend Benjamin and how he introduced me to the world of autism. I also mentioned how the expectations for him in PE class were different than his peers, for example only having to run two warm up laps around the gym instead of four. Here is a fun video from almost two years ago when Ben ran his first 5k. It's been awesome to witness his progress during his fitness journey. Enjoy! |
About the AuthorRyan Lockard, CSCS*D, CSPS*D is the Founder and CEO of Specialty Athletic Training. He is accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Certified Special Populations Specialist. Lockard is a member of advisory board for the NSCA Oregon chapter and has served on numerous non-profit boards serving the disability community, including the Autism Society of America.
November 2023